To better support school districts with professional development and school food change, we are excited to offer up opportunities for districts to enroll as a cohort!
Why enroll as a district?
When you enroll as a district, your school food team is demonstrating your commitment to healthy, scratch cooked meals. Your team can learn as a community, monitor course progress, assess learning outcomes, and establish goals for school food change.

District Benefits
- Meet USDA Professional Development Standards for staff
- Benefit from program support to establish strategic objectives for school food change
- Gain operational support and program assistance through facilitated study groups with leaders in school food operations
- Receive customized district-level reports on course progress and learning outcomes
- Enhance school food program’s commitment to healthy, scratch cooked food through cross-trained team
Individual Learner Benefits
- Earn certificates in school food change and scratch cook operations, providing a professional competitive edge
- Benefit from peer-to-peer learning about school food change
- Work closely with colleagues to align and implement programmatic goals
- Receive individual feedback and support
What do we recommend?
We highly recommend both School Food 101 and School Food Finance for districts’ school food professionals. These two courses lay a great foundation to ensure all team members have the same basic understanding of the complex world of child nutrition.

District Packages

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact